#JustStart Your Goals

Rukhsar Yousaf
2 min readAug 4, 2020

I want to improve my analytical skills. Analytical skill require in many fields of my interest and important too. Analysis is always a good thing to do. In order to achieve that i have to fully understand the analytical term and some tricks to do so in quick way. I have to read a lot of books etc. After reading books i do some exercises to check how much I have proved till now. This is quite boring and tough task. All I have to do is keep calm and work on all the principles of progress i.e Amal and Kam kam and kam.

To make my goal a SMART goal I have to analyze my goal.






In a nut shell, my goal is SMART because it is specific that i want to improve my analytical skills and then work on other goals. It is measurable, I have to do work on daily basis at least 1–2 hours for 2 weeks. It is attainable, all I need is books and practice. It is relevant because it is required to pass the test for getting admission in MS and it is time-bound, I have only 2 weeks and few days.

Goal isn’t event but cycle of three processes

Action, evaluation and Revision

For our goal we have to take action first then evaluate our actions and then revise the whole process. This cycle goes on.

